Monday, April 29, 2013


You're at a gathering.....

small conversations going on....

throughout the place....

you even join in on a few...

jumping from one to the other...

this kind of thing tends to happen...

after a meeting of topics....

everyone is jovial ....

laughing and enjoying snacks....

what a wonderful meeting ....

now we can share things we haven't 

because it's been awhile since we've seen each other(some of us) ...

A close friend that you see at least once a week....

is talking to a few others about.....

something you had not yet heard....

You's great are going to be there!!!!!

(nothing but a look as they continue on)

A few minutes later...That's so cool you're going to be there....

So am I......

(nothing but a look as they continue speaking)

You go on to  another conversation..which is a nice enjoy

then happen to be walking by....a few minutes later....

and your friend is still talking about what she is going to you say....

That is so cool..I am going to be there too....


Question is?? If you weren't so rudely interrupting anyone else at the gathering, then why would your friend so rudely ignore you? OR was it the other way around?? 

I understand we all want to be heard and want the respect given in return "but" when you are in a place that has an over abundance of conversation and switching of subjects, one intervening into the next .... one may feel disrespected by not being given a simple "yes" and or even being added into the conversation.                                                                                                        TMB.                     FEED BACK WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED..

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