Sunday, March 31, 2013


As we awaken
more to our true self
and become more aware of the LOVE that surrounds us..
..We Root ourselves to Mother Earth..
.She fills us with Love and Keeps us Grounded..
.With the Light and Love in our Hearts...
We reach High above into the Universe.... God..
..Whom is the Love in our Hearts.....
The Light grows as we stay in Love..
.Centered in Love...As we "choose " to do so...
.Our purpose will show....The Divine Love...We long for..
. It shall come ....Believe... and ..
.It Is Done ♥ 

Travel Time...

I have heard so much about Sedona, AZ.
A Vortex of pure positive energy..
Healing energy...

This place makes you want to stay forever..
Keep coming back to revive..
Your Spirit and Soul....

Looking forward to going..

Gratitude ♥

Staying centered in Gratitude...
Smiling through the Love...
That shines in your Heart...
Placing not a Judgement...
Nor negative thoughts...
Desire the positive..
You shall see..
That Practice....

Brightens your inner light..
Spreading Love through out...
Your body...into every Chakra center..
Every atom that fills you....
This then .... will... 
Cause a Burst of love and Happiness...
One cannot resist to share ♥

As we seek....

As artist we all find a way to work at what we love...
We see beauty in everything...
Always looking deeper 
into what the rest of the world see's..
Making our own out of something that seemed lifeless before
finding the bright side 
when it is dark
Taking a simple stick and making art out of it
or a blank canvas
a masterpiece
As we look around with our heart
seeing with our eyes
our Artist never rests
Always searching for our next Masterpiece!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

This Is It ♥

I am a very happy Girl right now ;) I stayed up late for this... YAY!! This is gratitude speaking right now for having the patience to succeed in my endeavor to have found and completed this blog... I am where I want to be and with some more work will have the hang of all this very SOON... Happy Sharing ♥